Homepage for
Analysis II
For problems with and questions about enrollment please
contact Sandra Yates (syates-at-ucsc-edu) at the Math office.
Maria Schonbek
email: schonbek at ucsc dot edu
phone: 459-4657
Office: McHenry 4126
Office Hours: T: 12am -1pm, Th 2pm-3pm
Lectures: T-Th 10::-11:45, McHenry
Textbook: Real and Complex Variables, 3rd
edition, Rudin
Grading procedures:
Homework 10 %, Midterm 40 %, Final
50 %
No late homework accepted.
This Syllabus gives a general idea of the progress of
the class. There will be variations
depending on how fast certain topics are understood.
1. Abstract Integration: measure theory and integration.
2. Riesz representation Theorem.
3. Lebesgue measure.
4. Continuity properties of measurable functions
5. L^p spaces.
6. Complex measures : Radon-Nikodym
Theorem and applications.
7. Fundamental Theorem of calculus.
8. Product measures; Fubini Theorem.
First Midterm: February 14
Homework problems will be assigned on this webpage
each Friday and will be due the following
(This might be changed.) The homework has to be typed.
Homework problems:
Page 31: 1, 2, 3, 5.
A.Let (x,M,m) be a measure space. Let A be a dense
set in R. Show that the function f: X into R is measurable if
an only if the set {x in X: f(x) \geq a}
is measurable for all a in A.
B.Give an example of a nonmeasurable function.