Homepage for Math 106B
Partial Differential Equations
Winter 2008

This page will provide updated information about the course.
Please visit it regularly.


 Fisrt Midterm: Tuesday February 19

For problems with and questions about enrollment please contact Andrea Gilovich(
gilovich@math.ucsc.edu) at the Math office (195 Baskin Engineering Bld).

Discussion sections start Wed 10/3

Syllabus: pdf

Maria Schonbek
email: schonbek at math dot ucsc dot edu
phone: 459-4657
Office: Baskin Engineering 353A
Office Hours: M: 11am -12, W 12-1pm & apptmts.

Lectures: MWF 9:30-10:40am,  EAS  B210

Textbook: Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction. Walter Strauss

 Section times: M2-3:10 (Social Sciences 2, 171), W: 12:30-1:40 pm, (Social Sciences 2, 263)
Office Hours: T: 2:30-4pm, TH 10- 11:30 am.

  Midterm:  Week February 11
 Final: Tuesday, March 18, 4-7pm


Homework problems will be assigned on this webpage each  Friday  and will be due the following Thursday.

Homework problems:

HW1: ( this is due Th 16)
Page 9: 3, 5, 7, 8
Page 19 : 10

HW2: ( Th 23)
page 24: 1
page 27: 4 a,b
page 31: 1, 2,4, 6.
page 36: 1,2.

HW3 (due Thursday Jan 31)
Page31: 5
Page: 37: 8,9
Page 40:1,3,5
Page 44:1,4,7.
Page 50:2

HW4: (Th Feb. 7)
Page 50: 3,4,15,7
Page 87: 5,6
Page 90; 2,3
Page 108: 2,4,9

1. Solve u_{tt}=4u_{xx}, u(0,t) =u(x,pi)=0 and u(x,0) =x, u_t(x,0)=1.
Page 113:2, 6,11
Page 118 4a, 10,
Page 129 1,2,3,8

HW6 (Week of exam)
Page 130-131: 11,12
Page 154: 2,3,

HW7(due Tuesday 11)
Page 154 4,6,7,8
Page 158: 1,4
PAge 163: 1,2,3
Page 167: 1,4,10.

Practice MIdterm Problems

Practice problems for Final