Maria Schonbek Publications
- Boundary value problems for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations.
Journal of Differential Equations 30 (1), pp. 119-47, (1978).
- Some results on the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, Research
Notes in Mathematics, No. 14, Editors: W. E. Fitzgibbon and H. F.
Walker, (Pitman, 1977).
- Decay of solutions to parabolic conservation laws,
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 7 (1), pp.449-73,
- Decay of solutions to the Korteweg-deVries-Burger equation and
to parabolic conservation laws, Nonlinear Partial Differential
Equations in Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 54, Editors: R. L.
Sternberg, A. Kalinowski and J. Papadakis, (Marcel Dekker, 1980). 10.
L2 decay for weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, Archive of
Rational Mechanics 88 (3), pp. 209-22, (1985).
- Apriori estimates of higher order derivatives of solutions of
the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, Journal of Mathematical Applications
82 (2), pp. 553-65, (1981).
- Existence of solutions to the Boussinesq system of equations,
Journal of Differential Equations 42 (3), (1981), pp. 325-51.
- Convergence of solutions to nonlinear dispersion equations,
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 7 (8), (1982), pp.
- Existence of solution to singular conservation laws, SIAM
Journal of Mathematical Analysis 15 (6), pp. 1125-39, (1984).
- Second order conservative schemes and the entropy condition,
Mathematics of Computations Vol. 10, No. 169, pp. 31-38, (Jan. 1985).
- L^2 decay for weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations,
Archive of Rational Mechanics 88 (3), pp. 209-22, (1985).
- Some results on the traveling wave solutions of the
Korteweg-deVries-Burger equation, (with J. Bona) Royal Society of
Edinburgh, 101A, pp. 207-26, (1985).
- Uniform decay rates for parabolic conservation laws,
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 943-56, (1986).
- Large time behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations,
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 11 (7), pp. 733-763,
- Applications to the theory of compensated compactness,
Oscillation theory, computation, and methods of compensated compactness
(Minneapolis, Minn, 1985), 289-294 (IMA) Vol. Math. Appl2, Springer,
New York, (1986).
- Nonlinear geometric optics and conservation laws,
Proceedings of the Symposium Year on material instabilities in
continuous mechanics. Heriot-Watt University. Edited by John Ball,
- Some aspects on compressible and incompressible gas dynamics,
Proceedings of the Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential
Equations and Applications at the University Palazzo dei Gesuiti,
L'Aquila, Italy, (1986).
- A canonical system of integro-differential equations arising
in resonant wave asymptotics, (with A. Majda and R. Rosales)
Studies in Applied Mathematics, (79), no. 3 205-262, (1988).
- Asymptotic properties for long waves which incorporate
dissipation, (with J. Bona and C. Amick), Journal of Differential
Equations 81, no 1, 1-49, (1989).
- Lower bounds of decay rates
for the solutions to Navier-Stokes equations, Journal of the
American Mathematical Society, (July 1991).
- Asymptotic behavior of
solutions to the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations,
Indiana University Journal, Vol. 41, no. 2 (1992).
- Some results on the asymptotic
behavior of solutions to Navier Stokes. Proceedings of the
Oberwolfach Conference on Navier-Stokes equations, Springer-Verlag
(NOTE: these proceedings are reviewed), (1991).
- Models for propagation of
bores I. Two-dimensional theory. (Previously titled: Long wave
models with initial data corresponding to bore propagation), (with J.
Bona and S. Rajopadhye) Differential Integral Equations, 7, no.3-4
699-734, (1994).
- Large-time behavior of
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in H^m spaces, Comm.
in P.D.E, 20 (1& 2), pp. 103-117 (1995).
- Estimates for the pressure and
the Fourier transform of solutions and derivatives to the Navier-Stokes
equations. Indiana Math Journal, vol. 43 #2, (1994).
- The Fourier splitting method,
Advances in Geometric Analysis and Continuum Mechanics, (269-274),
Internatl. Press, Cambridge, Ma. (1995).
- Asymptotic behavior of
solutions to the Korteweg de Vries-Burger System (with S.
Rajopadhye, Analyse Nonlineare, vol. 12, no.44, pp. 425-457 (1995).
- Decay results for Solutions to
the Magneto Hydrodynamics equations, (with T.P. Schonbek and E.
Suli) Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluids and Plasma Dynamics.
Editors: K. Asano, A. Tani, S. Ukai. RIMS Kokyuroku 914, 98-102, (1995).
- Large-time behavior of
solutions to the Magneto-Hydrodynamics equations (with T. P.
Schonbek and E. Süli). Mathematische Annalen, 304, no.4 717-756,
- On the decay of higher order
norms of the solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, (joint with
M. Wiegner) Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh Sect. A 126, no.3,
677-685, (1996).
- Asymptotic behavior of
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with slowly decaying external
force, (with S. Rajopadhye and T. Ogawa), J. Functional
Analysis 144, no. 2. 325-358, (1997).
- Decay of Solutions to
non-oscillating Magneto Hydrodynamics equations. Proceedings of
Oberwolfach Conference on Navier Stokes (Springer Verlag Proceedings),
Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Editors Heywood, Masuda,
Rautmann, Solonikov. Series on advances in Math for Applied Sciences-
Vol. 47 (1998). (NOTE: these proceedings are reviewed).
- On the possible singular
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations (joint with Malek,
Necas, Pocorny), Mathematische Nachrichten, 199, (1999) 97-114.
- Asymptotic decay to a
generalized Boussinesq System (with S. Rajopadhye and M.
Wiegner), J. of Dynamics and Differential Equations vol. 11, #4, (1999).
- Energy decay of solutions of
the Planetary geostrophic equations, joint with G.K. Vallis, J.
Math. Ann. and Appl., 234, 457-481 (1999).
- On the boundedness and decay
of moments of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, joint
with T.P. Schonbek, Advances in Differential Equations, Vol. 5, #7-9,
July-September (2000).
- Strong solutions to the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the half space. Joint
with M. Cannone and F. Planchon. Comm. in PDE, 25 (5&6), 903-924,
- On the Decay of Solutions to
the Navier-Stokes Equations. Applied Nonlinear Analysis,
Editors: A. Sequeira, H. Beirao da Vega, J. H. Videman, Kluwer
Academic/ Plenum Publisher. (NOTE: The papers in this book are
reviewed). (1999).
- Pointwise decay of solutions
and higher derivatives to Navier-Stokes equations, (joint with
Amrouche, Girault and T. Schonbek), SIAM Journal of Analysis, Vol. 31,
(4), (2000).
- Geodesic flow on
Diffeomorphism of the Circle, Grassmanians and the Geometry of Periodic
KdV equations, joint with A.Todorov, J. Zubelli, Adv. Theor.
Math. Physics, 4,1027-1090, (2000).
- Total variation decay of
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Methods and
Applications of Analysis, Vol7, No 3,555-564, (2000).
- Decay of the total variation
and Hardy norms to parabolic conservation laws, joint with
SŸli, Nonlinear Analysis, 45, 515-528, (2001).
- Nonexistence of Singular
Pseudo-self-similar Solutions of the Navier-Stokes System,
joint with J. Miller, M. O'Leary, Mathematiche Annalen, 319, 809-815,
- On Optimal Decay Rates for
Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in IR^n, joint
with T. Miyakawa. Mathematica Bohemica, Vol. 126, No 2, 257-263, (2001).
- On zero mass solutions of
viscous conservation laws, joint with G. Karch. Comm. in
PDE,27, (2002) no.9-10.
- Asymptotic Behavior to
Dissipative Quasi-Geostrophic equations, joint with Tomas
Schonbek, SIAM J. Math, Anal}. 35(2003) no2, 357-375.
- FitzHugh-Nagumo Revisited:
Types of bifurcations, periodical forcing and stability regions by a
Lyapunov functional. Joint with T. Kostova and R. Ravindran.
International journal of bifurcation and chaos, vol 14, no 3
(2004) 913-925.
- Moments and Lower bounds in the far-field
of solutions to Quasi-Geostrophic flows. Joint with Tomas Schonbek.
Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A , volumen
13, no 5 , December 2005.
- Asymptotic
behavior of solutions to viscous conservation lawswith slowly varying
external forces. Mathematischen Annalen. Volume 336,
Number 3, November, 2006.
- Decay
to weak solutions of the 2D dissipative Quasi-geostrophic equations
with supercritical exponents.
with C. Niche. Communications in Math Physics. Volume 276, Number 1.
November, 2007.
- Non-uniform deay for MHD equations with
and without magnetic diffusion. Joint with R. Agapito.
Comm in PDE. Volume 32, Issue 11, 2007, Pages 1791 – 1812.
- On existence and asymptotic behavior of
the Viscous Camassa-Holms equations. Joint with C.
Bjorland. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linaire
(2008), no. 5, 907-936
Poincaré's inequality and diffusive
equations. Joint with C. Bjorland.
Adv. Differential Equations 14 (2009), no. 3-4, 241-260.
- Decay and existence of polymeric flows.
Vol 41, issue 2, SIAM Journal
on Mathematical Analysis. 2009.
Existence and stability of steady-state
solutions with finite energy for the Navier-Stokes equations in the
whole space. Joint with C. Bjorland, Nonlinearity 22 (2009)
Lp-solutions of the
steady-state Navier-Stokes equations with Rough
External Forces. Joint with C. Bjorland, L. Brandolese, D. Iftimie.
Partial Differential Equations 36 (2011), no. 2, 216-246.
Norm inflation for incompressible
magneto-hydrodynamic system Joint
with M. Dai and J. Qing. Advances for Differential equations, Volume 16,
Numbers 7-8, July/August 2011.
Large time decay and growth
for solutions of a viscous Boussinesq system.
Joint with L Brandolese. Transactions of the American Mathematical
society. Vol. 364, Number 10. 5057-5090. October 2012
Non existence of pseudo-self-similar
solutions to incompressible Euler equa- tions Acta Math Sci, vol 31,
issue 6, (2011) 2305-2312.
Navier-Stokes space
time decay revisited.
Journal GAKUTO International Series Mathematical sciences and
applications. Volume 35, 2011.
On the
Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation on unbounded domains.
with E. Fereisl. (Accepted for publication, the papers in the Abel
Proceedings are reviewed).
Decay Rates for a
class of Diffusive-dominated Interaction Equations.
Joint with J.A. Can L~Cizo and J. A. Carrillo.
Journal of Mathematical analysis and applications. Volume 389, Issue
1, Pages 541557. May 2012
Regularity of solutions
to the liquid crystals systems in R2 and R3.
Joint with M. Dai and J. Qing. Nonlinearity 25 513, 2012.
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Liquid
Crystal Systems in $\mathbb{R}^3$ Joint with M. Dai and J. Qing.
Communications in PDE, Volume 37, Issue 12, January 2012, pages
Classical Solutions for a Fokker-Planck equation arising in
Computational Neuroscience.
Joint with J.A. Carrillo and M. del M. Gonzalez, Maria Gualdani
( Accepted in Communications in PDE).
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Liquid Crystal
Systems in H^m(R^3) (submitted).
- Problems related to solutions
to the Navier-Stokes equations. Fachbereich Mathematik, Bericht
203, Nov. 1998.